7 Essential Islamic Children’s Books Every Parent Should Have

As parents, we teach our children Islamic values and principles and how to lead life according to Allah and Prophet (SAW) teachings. The best way to do it is through Islamic books that teach everything in a simple way that is easier for your children to understand. Are Islamic children’s books difficult to find? Well, … More 7 Essential Islamic Children’s Books Every Parent Should Have

5 Reasons Why Muslims Shouldn’t Celebrate Birthdays

Assalaamu Alaykum, As Muslims we take our guidance from Allah and from His messenger. This is the best guidance of all. It has no errors and will lead to human happiness and success, in both this life and the final life to come. Unfortunately many Muslims are not satisfied with these two sources of guidance … More 5 Reasons Why Muslims Shouldn’t Celebrate Birthdays

Why Christians Shouldn’t Celebrate Halloween

Christianity has been watered down to being kind to your friends and neighbors. These are excellent qualities to have, but did the All-Mighty God send a messenger born miraculously with evidences and signs, simply to tell the people to be kind to their friends and neighbors? According to them did Jesus not speak regarding, worshipping … More Why Christians Shouldn’t Celebrate Halloween

How to Write Better Stories: Blake Snyder’s 15 Story Beats

I’ve always written stories from the time I was young. But I never read any books on how to improve my writing. I thought writers just sit down and start writing. Sure they might plan a little, but more or less they have a general idea of the story they want to tell, and they … More How to Write Better Stories: Blake Snyder’s 15 Story Beats

Hani and Huda Reviewed by Muslim Kids Book Nook

“Just like in your typical comic books, the illustrations are expressed in exaggeration, which is what makes this book exciting. It is filled with Islamic references, hadith or ayat…” I really respect the effort this sister puts into her reviews. I like how she considers the Islamic aspect in her reviews. At the end of … More Hani and Huda Reviewed by Muslim Kids Book Nook