Top 10 Islamic Cartoons 2019

The following is a list of the top 10 freely available English Islamic cartoons in 2019. This list includes some shows that contain non-halaal music, which will be noted insha Allah. I made the list based on a few factors such as overall quality, popularity, number of episodes, and Islamic message.

Let me know in the comments if I’ve missed any excellent Islamic cartoons that deserve to be on this list.

#10 Abdul Bari

This is a cartoon that has become really popular recently. It easily gets millions of views in just a few months. The message is very simple and straight to the point. Usually it’s teaching a specific dua, and does so in 3-5 minutes. It doesn’t have any music which is a plus. The show is good but it does have its flaws. The animation is very poor. It tries to cover it by using many textures and elements, but it’s still obvious. Also the voice acting needs work. It’s a solid effort though, and insha Allah it will improve in the years to come.

#9 IQRA Cartoon

It’s great to have cartoons telling the lives of the prophets. My only issue is with the voice acting. The voice actress does not properly pronounce the Arabic words, so it’s hard to understand her at times. The quality isn’t very high, but they release very often, so it’s great if you just want content. From the videos I’ve seen, there doesn’t appear to be any music.

#8 Five Pillars Cartoon

This cartoon teaches about the 5 pillars of Islam. It has creative visuals and a simple style. It’s a mix of 3D and 2D, but it all fits really well. The information is great, and told in an interesting way. DiscoverIslamUK produced it, and they have newer videos of even higher quality to watch after you finish learning about the 5 pillars of Islam.

#7 The Muslims Cartoon

I’m kind of shy to put my own show on this list, but I do think it deserves to be here. Alhamdullah Allah gave me the time, and ability to do such a wonderful cartoon. It’s far from perfect, and I pray I can do more in the future, but I think it turned out pretty good for a first effort. Alhamdullah I tried really hard to have good animation in it, and for the most part it has that. The goal was to make an entertaining episode where kids can also learn an islamic lesson. I can’t take all of the credit though either. I had a great team that helped me from beginning to end, as can be seen in the credits. Not to mention all the people who donated to support making the cartoon. May Allah elevate them and forgive them their sins.

#6 Aqil’s Story

This is an older cartoon that I discovered recently. It has a nice slick style. The animation is good quality befitting a TV show. The episodes are well thought out, and always have a nice lesson. My only issue with the show, is that it contains music.

#5 Learn with Zakaria

Learn with Zakaria is different from the other cartoons listed here, as it’s not really a cartoon with a story. Each video teaches something such as Arabic letters, or Arabic words. It’s good quality and doesn’t contain music from the videos I’ve seen.

#4 Omar and Hana

A very recent and popular Islamic Cartoon series. The quality is very high, in full 3D. Unfortunately every episode contains music, and the premise of the show is learning dua through music.

#3 FreeQuranEducation

This channel is not really targeted towards children, but the visuals are cartoons, which is why it’s here. They have many videos which are extremely creative and unique in their presentation. They mainly take lectures online from speakers such as Nouman Ali Khan and Mufti Menk. Then they add visuals to explain the lessons being taught. It’s a great way to learn about Islam. They have recently started a campaign to make 3D Islamic Cartoons for children to learn Islam. May Allah grant them success.

#2 Nussa

A highly popular fully 3D cartoon. The quality is the highest I have seen in a Muslim cartoon show. It is very entertaining and the lessons are taught in a creative way. Unfortunately there is Music, but I mute it and turn on the subtitles which are in English.

#1 Zaky

If you’ve seen my previous list of top 10 Muslim Cartoons, then you know that Zaky made the top of the list then as well. One4Kids is like the Disney of Muslim cartoons in the west maa shaa Allah. They have a ton of content, and all of it is safe for kids to watch. There’s no music, and strong moral messages in all of them. The anasheed songs are really catchy, and almost every Muslim school child has at least heard of one. What more is there to say?

So that was my list of top ten Muslim Cartoons available on Youtube. I pray you all benefited from the list. Please check out the ones you haven’t heard of or seen before, and make dua for them to be able to make much much more. Our children are in desperate need of strong Islamic Edutainment for them to learn from and help them be proud of their religion. May Allah grant us all success, forgive our sins, and may the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon his Prophet Muhammad and on his pious companions.

Help me to make more Islamic material for our ummah. Check out my books for Muslim children! Jazaka Allahu khayran!

5 thoughts on “Top 10 Islamic Cartoons 2019

  1. Thank you brother.
    I will support you by duaa inshalla and buying your books.
    I was really in need for such article. Unfortunately most of other non islamic cartoons have bad influence on Muslim kids and unfortunately my kids likes them. So it will be very hard shift for my kids to change the types of cartoons they see. Please make duaa for me. Ramadan kareem brother

    1. Ramadan mubarak brother! It’s tough, but we have to be tough sometimes. Although it can be hard, especially if it was implemented from birth, the best thing to do is not allowing any unislamic content period. Only sticking to Muslim cartoons if even that. What were our kids watching 100+ years ago? Nothing as there was no TVs. They got by then, then insha Allah they can get by now.

      Thank you for the comment brother. I love you for the sake of Allah. May Allah guide us and our families to the highest level of Jannah!

  2. MashaAllah appreciate your efforts. Please do tell how can one be a part of this venture and help to create more content for kids, because honestly, this is MUCH needed for this generation and the generations to come! JazakAllah ul Khayr.

    1. Assalaamu Alaykum,

      May Allah reward you for the nice comment. Insha Allah I’ll be releasing a book, so you can support by purchasing it and sharing it with your community. If you have children, encouraging them (as a hobby) to use their creative talents for dawah. Make dua for those making the effort.

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